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procurement service unit electronic procurement services facilities admission capacity bachelor degree post graduate student admissions calendar registration units bureau academic administration bureau public administration and finance bureau accounting administrative offices and student bureau administrative office of planning and information systems institutions and technical service unit lembaga pengembangan dan penjaminan mutu pendidikan lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat upt pusat komputer upt lab. terpadu upt perpustakaan upt undip press public relations international office rga national hospital of diponegoro rusunawa radio of pro alma gas station training center cooperation achievements rank awards international level national level alumni alumni relations profile link of website alumni tracer alumni list of dpd & dpc ika list of ika faculty donation -- dukung pembangunan sektor kelautan, fpik undip- tni al tandatangani kerjasama read more sebanyak 15 mahasiswa feb undip mengikuti summer course di asia university taiwan read more , semarang read more research & community services -- -- undip’s student created smartphone-integrate... -- undip’s students made diesel fuel substitute... -- diponegoro university builds electric bus in centr... -- students held “pemalang’s works”... -- achievements -- -- undip’s physics students create a super dest... -- undip rector : csp has to make contribution for lo... -- undip adds number of international-accredited stud... -- undip’s permata preschool held family day... -- events -- -- undip will flesh out alumni database system... -- undip rector: with spirit of eid mubarak, performa... -- undip establish its step by annual meeting... -- national seminar of rmp undip importance of provi... -- latest news undip will flesh out alumni database system diponegoro university will flesh out alumni database system by organizing a workshop of ditectory making and mapping alumni at grand wahid hotel, salatiga city on july 24-25, 2018. director of communication and alumni connection mujid f. amin said that number of alumni entried in the database are 130,354 persons of all 200,035 alumni. “purpose of read more -- july 24, 2018 -- undip’s physics students create a super destilation for solving water crisis these students’ achievement make us proud. three diponegoro university (undip)’s physics students make an innovation named desper (super destilation). hani ma’rufah and her two friends, ragil adi nugroho and lana milatul khusna, created a device for purifying or reducing salinity in sea water to produce freshwater with low salt concentration. “we know the facts that read more -- july 19, 2018 -- undip rector : csp has to make contribution for local people a total of 3,623 students joint in diponegoro university’s (undip) team ii 2017/2018 community service program (csp) do their mission in 10 regencies of central java, and they participated in release ceremony on tuesday (july 10, 2018) at widya puraya square, undip’s tembalang campus. undip rector prof. yos johan utama in his speech said that read more -- july 18, 2018 -- undip adds number of international-accredited study programs diponegoro university (undip) said its forwardness to add international-accredited study programs. it is mentioned in signing ceremony of financial aid for international accreditation between undip and general directorate of institutional science, technology, and higher education of ministry of research, technology and higher education on tuesday (july 3, 2018) in jakarta. director of institutional development of read more -- july 12, 2018 -- rector to prospective pilgrims : “keep your health, focus on worship and be honest” tuesday (july 10, 2018), a total of 22 prospective pilgrims from diponegoro university (undip) will embark to holy land mecca on this year. in his speech, undip rector prof. yos johan utama, s.h., m.hum suggested that the prospectoves pilgrims need to keep their health, focus on worship, and be humble. furthermore, prof. yos said the read more -- july 10, 2018 -- undip binds cooperation with ncku to enhance international cooperation in the field of humanities, diponegoro university pioneered cooperation with national cheng kung university (ncku) taiwan. vice rector, budi setiyono, accompanied by vice dean faculty of humanities, arrido, was assigned to discuss the cooperation scheme to taiwan from 25 to 29 june 2018. ncku was chosen because it is ranked in read more -- july 2, 2018 -- all news jurnal dan e-book jurnal : | subscribed journal | undip - inst. repository | undip e-journal (national/international) | undip e-journal karya ilmiah s1 | open course ware | asce online | elsevier sciencedirect dan scopus | ebsco e-journal dan discovery service (eds) | proquest research library | emerald e-journal | cambridge university press e-journal | springerlink e-journal | oxford university press e-journal | e-book : | sciencedirect ebooks | ebsco publishing ebooks | global professional publishing | ebrary ebooks | ama : american management association | springer ebooks | mcgraw-hill ebooks | cambridge university press ebooks | emerald insight ebooks | link and information systems community and link : | academic calendar | undip blog | students blog | usnet | mail lecturers/staff | mail alumni | undip career center | kemenristek dikti | lipi | lpdp | simlitabmas | bppt | bekraf | ika undip | koperasi alumni undip | undip bisnis community | lppm | lp2mp | kkn of undip | survey for satisfication of undip partner | information systems : | academic | reg-online | e-learning | vclass | evaluation pbm | pendikar | e-proc | library undip | dashboard undip | helpdesk undip | contact us : jl. prof. soedarto, sh tembalang, semarang, 1269 humas undip : (024) 7465403 admisi (snmptn-sbmptn-um) undip : (024) 7460041 bag. registrasi undip : (024) 7460020 ext.130 bag. keuangan undip : (024) 7460020 ext.135 go to campus undip © 2017 news info lokasi ujian mandiri d3 , dapat diakses pada link : [pengumuman] registrasi ulang online jalur seleksi ujian mandiri s1 bisa dilakukan mulai pukul 17.00 wib di pengumuman seleksi ujian mandiri s1 tahun 2018 dapat diakses melalui link jadwal pembayaran biaya pendidikan dan verifikasi-registrasi calon mahasiswa baru program sarjana jalur ujian mandiri (um) tahun akademik 2018/2019 dapat diakses melalui link :